Registry number: 5-0666472/001
Two bedroom apartment with direct sea view
We offer for sale a two-bedroom apartment with a total area of 79 m2, 100 meters from the sea in the city of Bar.
We offer for sale a two-bedroom apartment with a total area of 79 m2, 100 meters from the sea in the city of Bar.
Liquidity calculation:
Rent 80 euros/day. Maximum occupancy 90 days per season. Profitability during the season 9000. Booking expenses 15%
Profitability minus Booking 7920 euros.
Possible monthly rental out of season for 800 euros per month for 8 months. Additional income for the year = 6400 euros. Total for the year: 14,320 euros. Purchase and maintenance costs 250,000+700 (annual tax + tax) = 250,700.
Payback period 250,700 euros / 14,320 = 17.5 years. Profitability 14320*100/250700 = 5.7%
Calculations are given for 2021-2022.